Privacy & Security

We're on a mission to give individuals, communities, and society the capabilities, control, and confidence to leverage Knowledge for their benefit & on their terms.

We put your privacy and autonomy over our profit, always. This is fundamentally built into our product and business - your data is stored on device and kept within your control by default.

An stylized image of a computer screen with icons and an abstract representation of  contact card. There is an orange lock and a key in front of the screen

Our promise to you:

  • Comake will not sell your data.

  • Comake is not an advertising business.

  • Comake will not optimize for attention.

  • You will be able to control where you store your Knowledge.

Your data belongs to you. It should be in your control.

The ways in which we receive and understand information are crucial to the most fundamental functionings of society, communities, and businesses. We work hard to make sure that our ability to communicate and collaborate as a species is not controlled by some company's quest for the highest attention-driven metrics, but rather by measures that place the needs of the individual, the community, and society above the profits of information brokers. Comake is not in control of your data, you are. Our interest lies in helping you draw value from your data, not in selling it.

Will other people see my private data (browsing history, tabs, etc.)?

Your data is safe in KnowledgeOS. Only you will have access to your browsing history, tabs, unsaved windows, private Contexts, private files, private messages, private notes, private contacts, private tasks, and more. You can choose to share your Private Information via KnowledgeOS, for example by creating as shared Contexts or otherwise sharing data with colleagues and friends.

What permissions does the extension require & why does it need them?

The KnowledgeOS extension only asks for the minimum amount of permissions required for the extension to help you better organize and access your work. Unless if you opt-in to Knowledge Sync, KnowledgeOS does not save any data from the websites you look at, any of your browsing history, any of your tabs, and other sensitive data to the cloud. Learn more here.

What information does KnowledgeOS store in the cloud by default?

KnowledgeOS keeps as much data as possible on your machine as makes sense. By default, your browsing history, passwords, and other sensitive information remain stored on your device. KnowledgeOS copies your App settings, your Dock settings, your profile settings, your Context settings, and your saved resources to the cloud. Learn more here.

Local storage of your data when-ever possible

Your browsing history, tabs, and sensitive data don't leave your computer unless you choose differently.

Bank-Level Encryption

AES-256 encryption for data stored on in the cloud on AWS & SHA-256 SSL for data in transit.

No Ads

Comake does not sell your data. We optimize your data for you.

How does Comake protect my data in the cloud?

We work hard to protect the data you entrust us with, and ensure that no other human will access it unless you share it with others. We implement every measure we can to protect your data. For example, everything is encrypted in transit, everything is encrypted at rest on Amazon Web Services, we always run AWS Shield, and more. We also keep tabs on developments within the security industry and regularly assess all systems for areas where we can further enhance our security protocols. Learn more here.


We work with the following companies and tool systems to store, analyze, and transmit data for our users. They've been carefully vetted for best-in-class security practices.

The following are only used on our marketing / landing pages, and are not used in product:

For more information please read our other Privacy & Security articles and our Privacy Policy.


An illustration of a man standing in front of a phone that is showing a form and an envelope.

Still have questions?

We’re here to help. Get in touch with us.